Web Conferencing

Marco Tejada, Bell Conferencing Inc.
At your desktop computer with Internet connection

The University of Toronto is proud to announce they have signed an agreement with Bell Conferencing Solutions as their Tier 1 provider of conferencing services. UTM will be hosting short on-line sessions to demonstrate web conferencing, a powerful collaboration tool that adds a real time, visual component to your calls. With web conferencing you can share applications, lead presentations - even conduct polls with colleagues and audiences in any location.

On-line sessions will be held Tuesday April 5th at 11:30AM & Friday April 8th at 11:30AM . Please RSVP to simone.laughton@utoronto.ca with your time preference.

UTM staff and faculty can benefit from a personalized solution for their conferencing needs at a competitive price. Visit http://conferia.ca/universityoftoronto6356 for a list of services and contacts.