We are extremely fortunate to have Dr. Brendan Keogh from Queensland University of Technology in Australia join us on Monday, October 21, for a day of events at UTM Library. We're excited to welcome him and we hope you can join us and welcome him to our campus!
Dr. Keogh is a researcher of videogame production cultures. He is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication and a Chief Investigator of the Digital Media Research Centre at Queensland University of Technology. He is the author of A Play of Bodies: How We Perceive Video Games, and co-author of The Unity Game Engine and the Circuits of Cultural Software. He is also an accomplished game designer with multiple game titles on Steam.
He'll have a conversation about his new book, The Videogame Industry Does Not Exist, from 11.00-1.30 PM. Then, from 2.00-3:30 PM, we'll host a “play-along” with Dr. Keogh: he’ll play his game Brendan Keogh’s Putting Challenge and walk us through its design and production. Both events will take place in HM185 on the first floor of UTM Library.
These events are co-sponsored by the partners of our Game Studies program and Syd Bolton Collection of video games: the UTM Library, Department of English & Drama, and the Institute for Communication, Culture, Information and Technology, along with support from colleagues across the tri-campus at U of T.