From Mar 18 to Apr 5, donate non-perishable food at the Information & Loans Desk and have your late fines reduced as part of the Food for Fines program! Every accepted donation will knock $2 off your fines, to a maximum of $20 per patron. The UTM Library will send all donated items to Eden Food for Change food bank in Mississauga. Don't have any fines? You can still bring donations to support the food bank!

When: Mar 18 – Apr 5, 2024
Where: UTM Library Information & Loans Desk
(Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre)
Where: UTM Library Information & Loans Desk
(Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre)
The fine print:
- Library staff will waive up to $2 of Library fines for each eligible donation.
- Each patron may have up to $20 in fines waived during this year's drive.
- Fines must have been incurred for items from the UTM Library.
- Replacement and/or processing fees cannot be waived.
Donation requirements
Donated materials must be in good condition:
- Supermarket condition: unopened, undented, minimum three-month shelf life (expiry of Jun 2024 or later)
- Full-sized: no trial sizes or samples
- Labelled: must include original label in English
Library staff reserve the right to determine whether items are accepted for donation.
Suggested donations
The following items are most needed:
- Canned fish
- Peanut butter
- Instant oatmeal
- Pasta
- Canned tomatoes
- Canned fruits
- Sugar
- Salt