What Students See

Student View

It is possible to view what your students are seeing using the Student View button that is located on different areas of the course including:  Home, Modules, Assignments, Announcements, Discussions, Quizzes, Pages, etc.

Student View button that appears in different areas of your Quercus course.

More information is provided in the Canvas Instructor Guide - "How do I view a course as a test student using Student View?"

The Students' Grades Page

Students can only see their own grades through the Grades tool, they will never be able to see another student's grades, and they cannot see the Gradebook. Any grade column that is associated with a published assessment will be visible to students in Grades.

How students view their Grades in Quercus

Students can view their marks by clicking on "Grades" from the course menu. As seen in the image below, students can access the following information on their Grades page:

1. Name: Name of the assignment in linked text that students can click on to view additional information.
2. Due: The date and time that the assignment is due.
3. Score: The mark that you, the instructor, has recorded for their work.
4. Out of: The total points that are possible for the assessment.
5. Comments icon: A link to the comments and feedback provided by you or the TA.
6. Ouriginal Similarity icon: A link to the Analysis Overview report (if Ouriginal was used for this assignment and if you have made it available to students).
7. Rubric icon: A link to the assignment rubric, if you have made it available.
8. Hidden icon: Indicates that you, or the TA, are working on grades.

Student Feedback


Note: By default, the Grade Posting Policy for a Quercus course is set to Manually Post Grades. Any grades, comments or quiz responses will not be visible to students until they are posted. Instead, students will see a visibility icon on their Grades page and when they hover their cursor over the icon they will see the following message: "Instructor has not posted this grade".


Hiding Gradebook columns

If you have posted the grades and need to hide them so that students cannot see the grade or feedback for an assessment, students will see the title of the assessment, but they will not see their grade or assignment feedback. Instead, they will see an icon that displays an “Instructor has not posted this grade” message when they hover over the icon.

Note:  If the instructor has made the Ouriginal Analysis Overview report using the Immediately visibility setting, then students may see the report before the grades are posted, depending on the other Ouriginal Plagiarism setting that have been used.

Finally, students will see grade details under the Recent Feedback section if grades are posted. The Recent Feedback section is located on the right-hand side of their Dashboard and course Home pages, as pictured in the image below.

Note: You can verify what students see on their Grades page by selecting the Student View button found on the top-right hand side of the Home, Modules, Assignments and Settings pages.

You can share the Viewing Grades and Feedback page with your students to help them access this information.